Monday, January 23, 2012

One of THOSE

Have you ever had a weekend that seemed to blow by so effortlessly that you had to strain to remember what the heck you even did?

I've had one of those.

There was a little bit of birthday partying, a bit of budgeting and getting ready for tax season, and a bit of churching.

There was welcoming Mike home from a business trip and saying goodbye as he and Hooman jetted off to Tyler for a hospital visit.

There were meals and dirty dishes and bathes and laundry loads.

There were two too many nights with later-than-normal bedtimes.

There was the second glass of wine on Saturday night that meant there wasn't anything fun happening past 9:30 for yours truly.  Or her poor hubby.

And there were prayers.  For mother-in-law in ICU.  For friends who just lost their Mom.  For the homeless.  For children dying of leukemia and their family and friends.

But, honestly, there were no a-ha! moments or glorious memories or mind-bending revelations to be had out of this weekend.  It was just a silky-smooth, plain Jane couple of days.

And for that?  I am eternally grateful.

Twenty years ago I would have been mad to find myself approaching Monday morning with nothing to report.  No amazing date night.  No crazy activities.  No true excitement.

But, now?  I find that those things are so unimportant to me.  I don't have a need to have a "report" about the comings and goings of my weekend.  What's important is being available for my family.  Providing for their needs.  Finding time for God.  Finding time for rest.

And, frankly, my brain needed a rest.  My soul needed to luxuriate in God without having an agenda.  My body needed to fall asleep on the couch watching TV with my family.

And, if boring describes my life at the moment?  I'm totally, 100%, way cool with that.

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