Friday, September 30, 2011

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

This has sat in my "Edit Posts" section for awhile now.  As you can tell, I was a tidge up-in-arms and my pores were oozing sarcasm.

It was, after all, the end of May when this email arrived.  Next to the holiday season, May is the worst time of the year to dump something else on MommaJ's plate.*

The real point of the post is this:  everyone is busy.  Most of us are willing to help you if you are busier than we are.  In fact, that's the right, neighborly thing to do.

However, please don't bring your solutions to us, dump them in our laps, and tell us we need to implement them to fix the ills of your life.  Invite us to help.  Form a team so we can share the load. 

When we see you doing your part we might all decide to join the fun.

Dear Mommy-of-another-boy-who-thinks-she-can-schlep-off-her-ideas-on-everyone-around-her:

I appreciate your heartfelt letter expressing how interested you are in teaching your son not to expect things to be handed to him on a silver platter. On this point, we agree.

I appreciate the fact that after-school activities are expensive. We, too, are having to budget to be sure that our kids don't break the bank by the extra fun stuff.

I appreciate the fact that you identified a couple of opportunities for the kids to earn money to defray these costs, even if conducting a car wash or selling popcorn or doing a ____-a-thon** is not on my 1) bucket list, 2) to-do list or 3) "once I've had enough wine that sounds like fun!" list.***

But the needle on the proverbial record made a horrific scratching noise, about rendering me deaf, when you said you were hoping "someone else would organize and take charge".

You know the look a dog gets on its face when you say something that perplexes them? The one where they cock their head to one side and seem to say "HUH?" through their eyes?  Yeah, that was the look on my face when I read the last sentence of your message.

So, if I have my facts straight:
1. You want your son to learn lessons about money, responsibility, and appreciation.  CHECK.

2. You want to defray some of the cost of allowing your son to participate in after-school activities. CHECK.

3. You have some great ideas for teaching your son these lessons. CHECK


I guess I am solidly in the "village" of people who could help you raise your son. But, do I seem like the village idiot?

Truly, I have a lot on my own plate, raising three kids, two dogs, one cat, three fish and attempting to rid the world of rats. That doesn't even factor in my husband, who generally needs my attention on a semi-daily basis.

I'm just wondering if you might think to resend the message and ask for a GROUP of people to help in this endeavor? YOU would be part of that group.

In the meantime, since I hardly begin to know how to respond to such a message, I'll be patiently waiting for the follow-up, which better not include a request to fill out paperwork for your son's enrollment, provide transportation to and fro, or wipe his behind.

Your acquaintance,

(whose head is still stuck in that loony sideways dog position and is getting a crick in it)

*May 2012 is coming.  You've been warned in advance not to send an email requiring me to do anything because you WILL become the subject of a blog post.

**Insert action verb here.

***READ:  these activities involve a BUTT LOAD of parental involvement.  That requires coordination and stamina.  I have neither at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. And then they might gripe the whole time about the way you do it!
