Saturday, October 1, 2011

Stupid Computers

It looks like I have a nice little infection on my computer and/or blog spot.  This condition creates these weird links to this obnoxious website and colors stuff orange.  NOT my color.

And, it totally ruined my last post with these adorable dog costumes, so I'm a bit miffed.  Especially about the orange.

I warned my computer not to mess around with Mike's laptop because I heard he really got around.*  But, did she listen?  NOOOOOO.

You probably guessed that my computer has turned three because we all know that computers age five years for every year we own them**, which squarely makes her a teenager.  And a Justin Bieber freakazoid.  And prone to messing around with laptops.

So, until I get his little condition remedied, I am grounding this here blog spot.  I hate for you to be exposed to her infection.  It is grossness, so don't go near the orange, if you know what's good for ya.

*Har har.

**Or, maybe I made that up.  Whatever.

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