Friday, September 2, 2011

Are You Praying?

Prayer groups are, quite possibly, the best thing since sliced bread.  And, considering I'm a major carb fanatic, that is saying a lot.

I am so incredibly happy to be involved with a group at Covenant that meets every Friday morning and prays over requests not only from the school but also from the women who attend, who bring petitions from their network of family and friends.  It is an ingathering of needs from all around the world on many days.

Prayer, as a practice between me and God, is vital to my every waking moment.  It is like having a conversation with my best friend.  If I am truly in the moment with God, I hear answers to the issues I bring to Him.  I feel comforted or buoyed or peaceful or confident...whatever He deems necessary to cover me. 

When I am haphazardly praying, often just shooting "arrow prayers" at God, not putting much thought or effort behind what I'm saying, I often find myself hearing another voice, one that I know, instinctively, is NOT God.  It is the voice of the world, the voice of the evil one, trying to convict me that what he is saying is the truth.

I'll readily admit taking direction from that voice, and moving on issues, that were most decidedly (and, in retrospective I learned) Satan leading me down a primrose path.  And I went, merrily, until I realized "Hey!  This doesn't feel right.  And it is having a negative effect." and I took the issue back to the Lord in EARNEST prayer and corrected the path down which I was traveling.

I've learned, when you are duped by the devil, that you need to ask for forgiveness.  You need to mend the broken fence between you and God.  You need to be in right relationship with Him because you have just done something that, in the evil one's eyes, is reprehensible:  you've stopped cooperating with his plan.  And, that flat pisses him off.  And, I guarantee, he is going to try to retaliate.  So, having nothing blocking your relationship with God, is of extreme importance.

Sometimes Satan's retaliation can feel like its own curse.*  As if, by making a course correction for the better and asking God's forgiveness, that you've done the WRONG thing.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  But, it will take fortitude to stand WITH God against the enemy.

These are the times you'll feel tempted to quit.  But, don't!  Instead, take it straight to God for strength, rebuking Satan for his evil ways, and asking for wisdom and perseverance and, yes, the (often) dreaded patience.

If you quit every time a road block gets thrown up, you'll never realize the other side of the coin:  the blessings that come after the rain.  The ability to pull yourself up out of the mire, with God's help, and dance a jig of happiness.  If you give up, you never get to see the rainbow.  And missing that would just be a pity.

Prayer is a learned habit which, for many, doesn't come naturally.  They feel "goofy" talking aloud to God.  They worry that God really doesn't hear them.  They feel unworthy, because of sin, to even dare stand before Him and honestly admit their faults and mistakes.

Let me encourage you to just try.  Put aside all your concerns and find a quiet place and just start talking.  Let it all hang out.  Tell God where you are failing in life and ask Him to show you a better way.  And tell Him, honestly, that you are sorry. 

Don't worry about form or proper language or quoting scripture;  just speak.  And then get quiet and listen.  You may even want to get some paper and a pen because God has been known to have quite a bit to say when you are patient enough to wait for His responses!

And, when you hit the "Amen" at the end of your prayer?  Remember you are saying "SO BE IT" to God. 

According to His will, in His timing, He is working out plans for good for your life, with you being His wing man through prayer.

What a blessing and privilege and honor.

*Examples taken from real life:  about the time you figure out a monthly budget and are able to tithe for the first time, you have a car accident that completely wipes out your savings.  Or when you are waiting for that new insurance plan to kick in and your child breaks his arm.  Or when you are head of a committee and get unexpectedly sick the morning of the event.  When you are trying to do good or waiting for good to occur, the devil sees an opportunity to do just the opposite.  Don't give up on God's goodness!

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