Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Coffee and Zombies

Do you ever wonder, if you aren't a coffee drinker, why those of us who DO imbibe are so passionate about our java? Read on.

When I wake up, it is early. I need a kick start. My kick start is caffeine.

So, pretty much daily, I brew coffee. As I am prepping the pot, I am in an animated state where my brain only understands one function: making coffee. Anything else is unrecognizable as important. I'm a coffee zombie. But without the blood thirst and desire to kill.

While I wait for the coffee to brew, I'm still a zombie.

Try to talk to me during this process, or anywhere between the bed and coffee being ready, and I'll grunt intelligibly. Like a zombie. But with all my skin intact and a pulse.

Once the coffee is made, poured, and properly creamed*, I can start to feel the transition occurring. My vital signs start revving up and I can feel the blood beginning to move.

After two or three swigs, I'm a human being again. The zombie fog has been lifted.

Now, if we're still sub-7 a.m. when all this activity happens, you may still get grunt-talk if you try to carry on a conversation with me.

But at least you know that, two or three sips later, I'll actually be able to properly tell you how I feel about being vertical at this hour of the day.

*Yes, technically the worst English I'll use all year. Let's just get it out of the way early.

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