Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Simple Gratitude

Thing I'm grateful for this week:

1.  Sonic Sweet Potato Tots.  Yummilicious.  Not Weight Watcher friendly, but worth every last bite.  And then some.

2.  Bushes of flowers budding in people's yards, thank to the rain we had a couple of weeks ago.

3.  Drive thru, $4 exterior washes.  $5 with a tip to bless the person who dried the car.  Worth every penny to have a shiny, "new" car.

4.  Progress for Celia, with a second doc called in for another opinion, a doc who is pretty sure he's seen this condition before.  One who gave hope that the answer lies deep in the brain, well below what a typical test could detect and who has started anti-seizure meds which should start their majic with the week.  And, mostly, for God, who has placed the right people by Celia, Heather and Noe's side through this process.

5.  Marriage, with all its flaws and rough patches and "worst" times.  Even though it isn't perfect, "I do's" tie you to the person you most love, are best friends with and wouldn't want to spend forever without.

6.  Answers to "why" questions about children's health, even diagnoses that conclude one of your children has "constitutional delays", meaning puberty will likely come late.  And for blood tests to rule out deeper issues.

7.  Coffee.  To keep me awake, vertical, and sane and able to realize the blessings, even in the midst of storms.



  1. Great to find your blog...I enjoy reading blogs and have one myself (a mommy blog, too)! Thanks for speaking to our group today--great job, btw. I hope you had an easy trip home.

    Looking forward to more new posts!

  2. Welcome, Leslie! Please do send your blog address so I can check in on your life! J
