Wednesday, October 26, 2011

House of Fun

If there was any doubt that my children are kin to Adam and Eve, the past several years have proven genetics beyond a shadow of a doubt. How? One word: nakedness.

My children THRIVE on being unclothed. There is nothing like luxuriating in the pool sans bathing suit or sleeping in the buff or running through the house, naked-as-a-jaybird, after a good, hot shower.

But, with all the charming demonstrations of flapping penises that have occurred over the years, this love of being butt-naked was elevated to a new level this week by The Babe.

As I was cooking dinner, he came running through the kitchen. Straight-up bare-butted. And, in between his cheeks was a wad of toilet paper with a bit of trailing paper, just for grins or effect or just because he's an artist with a flair for the extraordinary.

In the midst of running, he stopped right in front of me, thrust his butt out and started shaking it back and forth, and half-singing, half-speaking said "I'm a bunny rabbit. Hop.Hop.Hop"

And, indeed, he looked like a cotton-tail, which I noticed when I stopped laughing and the tears cleared from my eyes.

I'm sorry to report that I didn't get a camera shot or you'd be staring at a beautiful behind with a cottony-tail right now.


Probably can't top that story, but a "who's on first?" commentary ensued between Hooman and Nickels on the way to karate today.

I had managed to get Nickels into his seat when he realized he'd left a piece of key equipment in the house. Out of seat, into house, he goes.

Meantime, Hooman had arrived on scene. Unbeknownst to him, he sat down in the very place that Nickels had just vacated.

{Bunny trail (GET IT! HA!): Trying to corral kids to go to any lesson or practice that requires equipment is like trying to get all the cats in a fish house to pay attention. Just about the time you get one working with you, the others start wandering aimlessly.}

Now, Nickels is back at the car and realizes Hooman is in his seat. And he opens the door closest to Hooman and he says: "Why are you S*ITTING in my seat?"

Hooman (laughing hysterically and commenting at me): "Did he just ask why I'm S*ITTING in his seat?"

Nickels is now laughing his rear off but manages to apologize to both his brother and Mother. So, I tried to keep my composure as I said "Yes he did."

Hooman (giggling as he answers Nickels' initial question): "I didn't know this was where you were SITTING." That last word was said very carefully and over pronounced to the point of absurdity.

Thankfully, instead of a fist fight over who was sitting where, I had two boys who now realized they had BOTH cussed in front of their Mother. And she wasn't laughing.

Except inside, where I was relishing this Freudian slip and thinking of how much fun it was going to be to blog this later.

Let's just say, that was one quiet ride with immense gratitude at the end, as they exited for their lesson.

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