Monday, October 10, 2011

Generation Gap

There are just sometimes that what I grew up knowing as second nature is not even on my kid's radar screens. 

They'll never know the distinct pleasure of changing the channel on the black and white TV with a KNOB, for example.

And that gap in knowledge came into strong play this morning when Hooman's friend arrived on the scene.  He had clearly grown a foot since the last time I saw him and I said "My goodness friend!  You sure have grown!  You must be eating your Wheaties."

Wheaties.  With about three tablespoons of sugar and Bruce Jenner on the box is stuff of legend in my mind.  It still is The Breakfast of Champions.  It just never dawned on me that my kids hadn't ever, not once, had a box of this cereal.

It wasn't until I heard Hooman apologizing profusely to his friend and he said "Wienies?  Why would she think you were eating THOSE?"*, I understood.

I'm OLD.  That is an apt description, I think.

*At least they weren't snickering at the concept.  I guess that comes in their teen years?


  1. If knowing the joy that is the sugar collected at the bottom of a Wheaties bowl makes me old then...well...hitch up my pants to my armpits and call me Memaw.

  2. Oh, sweet, crunchy, gritty memories....
