Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vacation Destination

We've traveled to Austin to enjoy our first true family vacation in about 18 months.

For all the reasons to love Mike owning his own business and being at the house 24/7/365, not having sick days or comp days or vacation to use is the biggest drawback.  When you own your own business and conduct it out of the house, nobody requires you to take time away.  There's no one to infect in the office if you show up sick. And comp days means "no pay".  So, when it comes down to taking a day off, Mike has trouble justifying the time and expense.

Hence, plenty of time between family vacations for the Nowells.

But, when Nickels and Hooman found themselves geared up for competition in the Nationals Taekwondo tournament in Austin?  Daddy couldn't figure out how to change the outgoing voice mail message on his business number fast enough.

There are two logical equations that explain this:  Sports + Men = Competitiveness.  Competitiveness + Local Location = Vacation.

I began planning for this trip several weeks ago.  I had the hotel booked, side excursions planned, a budget created.  We were set to go.

Then, on our way through East Texas a few weekends ago, I saw a hotel chain I had never noticed before.  One that promised "apartment style" accommodations at a weekly rate.

The cheap person at the core of my being began to salivate and convinced me I should at least check out the website.  So, I did.  And, it seemed legit!

So, I booked the rooms, threw caution to the wind, and canceled the reservation to the normal Marriott chain we use.  And filed this under "NEW ADVENTURE".

Since arriving, Mike and I have been reminding ourselves "Look at us!  We've tried something new!"*  That we should be proud of the fact that we ventured out of our normal comfort zone.  That it's not so bad to have to sleep in separate rooms because of this hotel's ridiculously low occupancy levels.

We knew, coming in, that there were quirks we'd be dealing with.  If we wanted a coffee pot or dishes, we'd have to "rent" them.  But, they'd be ours to keep!**

They'd provide one bar of soap and one roll of tp.  If we wanted to wash dishes, we'd need to bring our own towel, dish cloth, and dish soap.  CHECK.  PACKED 'EM!

Our first indication that there might be something "off" was the phone call to get a GPS address.  Since the address on our confirmation sheet was based on an Interstate address, the GPS showed it's butt and wouldn't cooperate.  Sadly, neither did the employee who answered the phone, who, obviously had answered this same, exact question at least 50,000 times in the last hour and was beyond tired of it.  "Just exit Braker Lane going north on 35" was the best she could do.*** 

When we arrived, Mike was still pissed about the lack of address help, so I had the privilege of checking us in.  My favorite part?  Being asked for both our licenses so they could run a sex offender check on both of us.

Yes, you read that right.  Reread that again:  they did a background check on us to be sure we weren't sex offenders.

At first we were all "HOLY MOSES!  What kind of place did I book?"  Then, I totally saw the glass half full:  all the other hotel chains?  Probably FULL of sex offenders because NOBODY IS CHECKING!  We are all caged up together knowing none of us has a record.  SWEET.

Yes, the rooms are sparse.  Yes, I had to fill out a check-in list to be sure the person before us hadn't palmed any of the blankets, sheets, pillowcases, etc.  Yes, we will probably NEVER use this hotel chain again.

But, we're realized that we could live in a very small space together without pulling each other's heads off.  We've had the chance to meet some really nice guys who are working on a new warehouse facility in Buda.****  And, the boys have completed one of their competitions at nationals and learned that the competition is fierce, but they are pretty tough, too.

If vacations were really all about where you stayed?  We'd probably have to call this one a bust.

Thank goodness time away is really about building memories (good and bad), spending time together, and relaxing with the people you love the most.

In that respect?  This is the vacation of a lifetime.

*And that's a good thing, right?? 

**We brought paper plates, fork, napkins, etc. and I've been going to the local Exxon for coffee when I want it.

***I knew she wasn't being completely rude when I was checking in and she answered another call for a GPS address.  Time to fill out a comment card!

****Geography lesson for all the Nowells.

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