Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa IS real, Darnit!

Nickels asked tonight: "When can we tell The Babe about, you know, Santa?"

Me (a little snappish*): "You can't!!! He has to figure this one out on his own. Got it?"

What I was really thinking:
"If you out Santa at this point, I've entered another phase of Motherhood, for which I'm not prepared. I already have you and Hooman who are basically one step shy of hair in places I refuse to acknowledge, discuss, or, heaven forbid, accidentally see**.

And I just want one more good year of someone in this house getting really excited to stand in a longer line than necessary to sit on Santa's crotch for two minutes and spill the beans about our greediness.

Besides, if you decide to out Santa now, it's not outside the realm of reason that Daddy could reverse his vasectomy, I could get pregnant, and you could end up with a baby sister. Just so we could start this whole Santa charade again.

SO, if you value my sanity and yours: SHUT YOUR MOUTH."

*OK. A LOT snappish.

**Please burn my eyes out before I have to see my boys as naked men.....