Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who, ME???

If I were in a group of people admitting faults, I'd have to raise my hand to the statement "I jump to conclusions".

And today provided an excellent example. A good friend of mine was supposed to meet me at the house so we could go play tennis.

Now, she is one of two of my closest friends who is a) always prompt* and b) never forgets when we've made plans.

So, when she was l.a.t.e., then a complete no-show, and didn't answer either of my two phone calls, I began a panic.

And here is where the case of "MommaJ can jump to a conclusion faster than a speeding bullet" kicked in. Immediately, I counted my friend as dead of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Once you've stopped laughing, please consider my logic:
1) Her husband also didn't answer his phone.**
2) The school calendar stated school was in and that meant she had to be up to get her kids to school.
3) We've recently had cooler weather which would have meant she might have turned on her heater for the first time. And that, my friends, is when people are most subject to carbon monoxide poisoning!

Not as crazy as it originally sounded, eh?***

Long story short, she called, apologizing profusely, for forgetting. And having her phone on "silent" in the back bedroom, charging.

Thank goodness.

Now, while I was still in high panic mode on the tennis court, one of my tennis partners, when I told her of my fear, completely looked at my reaction as glass half-empty****: "Carbon monoxide poisoning? Wow. That's a stretch".

And my glass half-full response was: "Hey. I'm a good friend. Who else is going to worry about you as much as that?"

To which I should have added: "...and bring the fire department to your house to break down the door in case you are dead and your body is rotting? I am a REALLY good friend, dang it!"

A friend who is, maybe, slightly, occasionally, a little off-base, conclusory to a fault, and partially psycho.

But, a friend to the end.

Even if that end just MIGHT be from carbon monoxide poisoning.

*I am in the other class of friends, the ones you can always count on to be 1) late and b) forget plans. It's amazing to me that I still have anyone who calls me a pal.

**He should have been at work. Yes, I called him on his cell at work; he's married to one of my best friends! I can't imagine WHY he couldn't answer the phone......

***Or, maybe it's just me??? I DID drop out of "Logic 101" in college.

****I just can't imagine why.


  1. You are a true friend, indeed! This was an unusually busy morning.

  2. It was busy in my brain, too :)
