Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's the SMALL Victories

You'll recall, if you read this blog regularly, that I reamed the Hooman at the breakfast table at the beginning of September.

It was the classic "There are starving kids in China..." message with a not-so-subtle side of details that weren't for the squeamish.

At the time of my clearly over-the-top message, I took victory as having taught him a lesson. I actually should have made it really clear that I do have NORMAL children who vacillate between "I really learned something from what you said" and "When did you say THAT?".

It's rather like watching two children on a teeter-totter. Up we go to "I learned"; down we go to "Brain freeze".

But, on this particular occasion, there was an impact. And I know because Hooman has asked to pray multiple times over the last two months and he never forgets to include some variation of "Please give the starving people in Africa something to eat."

This is quite possibly the only time when adding gory details and snark to the way I talk to my kids is going to be a) acceptable b) educational and c) a reason for me to do the happy dance.

My next task: figuring out how to use this tactic to keep them away from premarital sex......

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