Monday, November 1, 2010

Blessings or Disguises?

This is a little soap-boxy today, but hang with me because the message is worthy.
Somewhere along the way, I heard "not everything that sounds good is."

I don't consider myself naive or brain dead or even ignorant when it comes to most things. So it seems like it would be hard for me to get caught up in something that looked good but isn't. Agreed?

But, let me tell you, this is one message that requires so much more than a corsery glance. It requires digging down. Then, possibly, digging some more.

In fact, our human brains are so easily misled that the Bible reminds us to "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves."*

So, maybe it would be a good idea to balance my intelligence with a little research every once in a while, instead of relying on my first perception of things. Right?

This all came to me today when we received one of countless hundreds of solicitations that enter our mailbox on an annual basis. These are well thought out letters, often from groups whose names I recognize, printed with stories and pictures and appeals that tear my heart out. And sometimes make me cry.

On this particular occasion, my attention was caught by the title of the charity work: Angel Tree.

That's the same name as our annual Sunday School party and the Salvation Army's huge holiday project. It had to be good!

Well, a little deeper digging through the five-part, color printed, picture laden mailing revealed that Chuck Colson, Rick Warren, and Franklin Graham all support this ministry. Two of the three even allowed their picture to be used right next to quotes on how great this ministry is!

Surely, NOW, I had reliable sources and should write a check, send it, and pat myself on the back.

But wait just one minute. A quick check of my favorite website for giving,**, revealed that the parent program for this ministry gets an overall one of four stars for its work. In fact, 69 cents of every $1 goes to the actual program costs. The other 31 cents? Over half (18 cents of every dollar) is used to send nifty brochures to entice people like me to donate.

Looking even further, within the same catagory of charity, there are four others who all have 3 or 4 stars next to their name. Now, I've never heard of any of them (probably because they aren't sending five-part mailings), but, apparently, they are using their money much more wisely.

Of all the things King David asked for, God was most impressed when he asked for wisdom. No, riches or status or health didn't rank. Wisdom did.

We should learn from that.

When's the last time you really looked into that favorite charity and how they are using your money? Do you know where the money at your local church is going? How much of those cookie dough proceeds are actually going to benefit your local school?

If you think "I trust them. They aren't out to dupe me. Besides, I'd be embarrassed asking." then you are only partially right.

Bottom line: It's the money God entrusted you to distribute, so it's your business.

And if you are refused information? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark***, honey, and it ain't the cheese! You should be able to get full disclosure on each and every dollar that's being earned and spent. Because, by law, this information is required.

This is the time of year we are most thankful for all we've been blessed with. It is our task to be sure that we are using our blessings in a way that would most please the God who blessed us with everything in the first place.

Now, go. Take a good, hard look at those blessings. And be sure you are pleasing God with the wisdom behind your financial decisions.

*Matthew 7:15, NLV. Truthfully, it will be worth your while to back up to Matthew 7:1 and read the whole chapter. You'll recognize most of it..and it is wonderful!

**I love Charity Navigator and have used it for years. But, there are, no doubt other websites for this same type of information.

***Thank you Shakespeare. HUGS.

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