Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Dating SOME Women is Hard Work

I was inspired to write this. Please don't get paranoid because it's probably not about you.

In fact, if you think it IS you, think again. And don't send me a message saying "Was that ME you were writing about?".'t.

Man: Where do you want to go to dinner?
Woman: Why do I have to make all the decisions?

M: I thought you'd like to have a say.....?
W: I'm tired of making decisions all the time.

M: OK. How about Italian?
W: I hate Italian.

M: Chinese?
W: Too much MSG.

M: Sonic?
W: Do you think I'm cheap?


M: No. What would make you say that?
W: Sonic? I mean, really? We're supposed to be going on a DATE! Not out to lunch like a couple of buds from work.

M: (Completely lost) OK. How about Cheesecake Factory?
W: DUH. I'm on a diet. Don't you EVER listen to me?

M: Tell you what. I'm going to order a pizza and a 2-liter and sit on the couch and watch whatever happens to be on TV. If you want to join me, great.
W: (Conjuring tears) You don't love me, do you?
M: Of course, I love you. I'm just tired of trying to read your mind every time we want to go out to eat.

W: How about Italian, then?
M: But I thought you hated Italian?
W: I was just trying to be nice. Don't you like it when I'm nice to you?

M: (Sighing) I'm outta here. Call me when you're stable again. In like, 10 years, OK? (Door slams)

W: (Full blown crying/pleading) I love you. I'm sorry. Please come back.

M: (Walking back towards apartment) Fine. Where do you want to eat?
W: Why do I have to make all the decisions?

If you wonder why some people date and date and date some more but still have a hard time finding a person to take them seriously, try reading this again. If your head doesn't split down the middle, you are a better person than I.

Or, if you don't see anything wrong with the above interaction, plug the dialogue into a computer program that checks for circular logic.

But, please. Stand back. Because your computer is going to explode.

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