Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hysterical Lyrical Mess

You know your child has most definitely grown up in Texas when the following words issue from his mouth:

Pair a Jocka
Pair a Jocka
I Kung Fu
I Kung Fu

There is some poor, dead Frenchman shaking his head in disgust, saying "Merde! Ignorant enfant."

I believe in singing loud and proud, even if you don't really have the voice to pull it off. BUT, if you don't know the words, you really should keep your pie hole shut.

I blame Mike for this. He makes up lyrics with astounding inaccuracy and frequency. There have been many times in our married life I have looked at him with complete disgust as he was screwing up words to my beloved 80's songs.

Let's just hope this is a learned behavior and not a genetic defect.

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