Monday, January 18, 2010

Anatomy is in the Eyes of the Beholder

Today I was informed that all children are born in India. Then they get on a plane and come to Texas.

When I inquired where India is, The Babe pointed to his abdomen. Then he asked, "How do babies get out of India?"

After we corrected India to "uterus" and discussed anatomically-correct usage of the word, we launched into a discussion of the vagina.

Just for grins, and to test his Mother's ability to keep a straight face in the most hysterical of situations*, I got the following summary:

"So babies are born in the India, come out the 'gina**, and start crying?"

Yup. That pretty much sums it up.

At least if you qualify as a four-year-old boy. With selective hearing and memory. And the inability to use multi-syllabic, anatomically-correct verbiage.

*For which I should get a guest shot on Saturday Night Live, thank you very much.

**I hope he's over this abbreviated, cutsie terminology by the time he marries. Or becomes a proper obstetrician, if that's in his cards.

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