Sunday, January 17, 2010

Contractors and PJ's

Dear Sirs:
I must apologize for the past couple of weeks. You've have been faithful to show for appointments, which we made, on time. On the other hand, I have fallen into a time space continuum where my morning has become afternoon. Allow me to explain.

My Mom has cancer right now and I like pajamas.* I am, by nature, super lazy. Plus, the whole cancer thing hasn't helped my spirits. And since my husband has decided that the best commute is the one he picks and that helps him "feel" like he is actually going to work**, he has been taking the two younger boys to school in the mornings. This leaves me with the option of actually staying in my pajamas until I am FORCED to dress to run afternoon carpool. At two p.m.

In an effort to keep you from being blinded by my frumpy exterior and well-worn, winter pj's, I've actually adopted this habit of throwing on my 'Spa St. James' robe and fuzzy-faux-fur and leather Bass slippers. I look a little like the sarcastic, grumpy Maxine of Hallmark fame. Except without the curlers. And with two dogs.

I apologize if my breath isn't fresh or my face made up. If you want to experience that, please remember to schedule post-two p.m. Then again, you won't see me, only Mike, so maybe I better just say "Get over it". From a distance, of course.

Most sincerely,
Mrs. Nowell (AKA: PJ LADY)

*Definitely in the TOP 10 weirdest sentences I'll ever write. Stay tuned for the other nine.

**As opposed to simply walking out of a dirty kitchen into his workspace.

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