Sunday, July 29, 2012

For Us

This past Sunday, Bishop Sutton mentioned that God loves us, cares for us, provides for us and blesses us.

I've looked at those characteristics of God over and over again this week.  It struck me that there are probably way more than those four if I would take the time to read my Bible. But, even if I never again crack a Bible open, aren't those four enough???

Today, when I looked at this list for the umpteenth time, I thought about the Lord's Prayer.  And I made the following connection:  Christ tells us to pray this way.  And, when we pray the way He asks, we are doing the following:

*Acknowledging God as our Heavenly Father, who resides in Heaven, whose name is above all others in importance
*Asking for a future Heaven on Earth
*Requesting our fill for the day, not just the bread of food stuffs but the bread of His word to speak to and through us
*Acknowledging that He forgives, but not without the caveat that we will only be forgiven to the extent that we choose to forgive our fellow brothers and sisters in the here and now
*Asking for help to resist temptation and protection from Satan
*Acknowledging that everything is His, forever (and ever)
*Praying "Amen" so that all that we have just said is given a hearty "SO BE IT!"

So, I compared what Bishop Sutton said against what Jesus said and watch THIS!

God loves us enough to call us His children.  He is my Daddy and your Daddy and Daddy to everyone who ever has been and ever will be.

He cares so much for us that He prepared a special place for us called Earth and another place we will dwell directly with Him called Heaven.

He provides everything we need to fill our bodies## and spirits with the Him.

He blesses us with forgiveness from Him, the ability to be forgiven by others and the privilege of asking others to forgive us.

He cares enough for us that He protects us from evil and helps us resist temptations.

Wow.  In just a few, short sentences, everything that Bishop said was tied up in a nice, neat little bow by Jesus' words!

God cares, loves, provides and blesses all of us.  He doesn't forsake us.  He wants to be in relationship.  He wants us to know that He is all powerful and that prayer is a lifeline for us.

And, no.  I can't answer all the questions about all the problems but I worship a God who can.  And I trust that in instances where I wish He would swoop down and save the world that He knows better than I do.

That, my friends, is called faith.

Are you believing Him today?  Are you trusting that He has your best interests in mind?  Are you looking to Him to provide instead of trying to do it all yourself?

Are you? 

If not, stop right now and say the Lord's Prayer.  Say it slowly.  Take in every line and chew on it until it means something to you.  Truly MEAN IT.  And see if it doesn't sink into your marrow and stay awhile.


##As I was making those comparisons, it dawned on me that there are people, through no fault of their own, that are born into abject poverty.  There are toddlers walking this planet with distended bellies due to malnutrition and poor water supplies.

But, do I think God doesn't see them?  Do I think God isn't providing for them?  Do I think God doesn't care?  No, no, no.

For reasons I only partially understand, this Earth is filled with opportunities to help others, others that God, in the blink of an eye or the snap of a finger, could take care of.  I don't think God is withholding from them;  I think he has a bigger plan.  I don't completely get the plan.  But, I'm sure it is there.  And I'm sure it involves people helping people, creating lasting love between peoples that wouldn't normally be in contact with one another.

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