Sunday, February 12, 2012


Susan?  Meet Barack.  Barack?  Meet Susan.

You have one thing in common:  you create policy to break it.

And I, for one, just can't understand where on God's green earth you are coming from.

How is it possible that policy one moment is up for negotiation the next?  I'm just wondering if all the sudden the Komen Foundation is going to tuck tail and run for the hills of, say, researching and curing anal gland issues in my dog.

And, what is next, Mr. President?  Deciding you really aren't a Democrat after all and running against Romney in the primary?

Truly?  All it takes is a little gritching and you back down?

Well, hell.  If I raised my children like that, they'd have TV's in each room, complete with video game set-ups, refrigerators, and access to whatever channel they like.

They'd eat Doritos at breakfast, lunch and dinner and sugar by the cupful in between.

They'd skip school when "day" was at the end of the word and require me to chauffeur them to LMFAO concerts, with MIA as the opening act.

I'm pretty sure, at the ripe old age of 13, when they each hit puberty, I'd be hiring prostitutes for them.

I refuse to parent like that.  I have to stand up and take a stand every single day of my life.  I'm not always popular.  I'm not always right.  But, I have a set of values and morals that guide me and on those?  I.don't.back.down.

I want my America run like that.  We have a constitution that is supposed to guide us.

I don't want charities with good causes run like that.  I want financial decisions to follow the mission statement and the mission statement to guide the decisions.

I don't want American companies run like that.  I want corporations to think about the best interest of the shareholders AND the good of the country. 

I want George W. at the helm of everything.  Against excruciating criticism, that son-of-a-gun held his ground.  He didn't win points.  He didn't make friends.  He didn't win the war.  But, by-golly.  He.never.backed.down.  There was no doubt where he stood.

I want that.  I want someone who knows who he is and is going to tell everyone around them to go to hell if they don't agree.  I want Billy Beane* on my team.  Ain't no mamsy or pansy in his blood.

I want Jesus in the mix.  I want Him holding His ground and explaining, for the billionth time, why his closest friends should listen and follow.

I want that for all of us.

But, what I darn sure don't want is more of this wishy-washy, easily thrown off my game, pandering.

Susan?  Barack?  Man up.

America?  Listen up.

Pick your values and stick with them.  And, if someone tries to take you down?  Explain why it is your way or the highway.  And, if they don't like your stretch of road, they can cruise on down.

Stop playing politics.  Get a life.  Get a set of balls. 

Get in the game.  Know that not everyone is going to like the rules.  But, refuse to do anything but play by them.

When the ball is in your court, are you hitting back?  Or trying to change the rules because you can't get to it on time?  Or blaming the guy in the stands for distracting you? 

Personally?  I'm giving it everything I've got, running and flailing my arms, hoping to make contact.  I'm playing by the rules, no excuses, every time.


*GM of the Oakland Athletics and subject of the movie Moneyball.  Review coming soon.


  1. Unfortunately, this is just yet another example of how the political system is run by corporate money and lobbying. All sides are guilty of waffling, flip-flopping and kowtowing to money. It makes me so sad. I'm such a pollyanna, cup is half-full kinda gal. I keep hoping...

    1. My hope is that we all work to be better examples than those in the spotlight, creating our own little light that demonstrates our values and morals and dedication to the things we hold most dear.

  2. You're on a roll. Too bad there's too many topics to be on a roll about.
