Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Praise God!!

One of the activities I undertake at Christmas time is making a photo book for each of the boys, detailing the events of the previous year.

I started this new "tradition" last year, after I realized the only way to capture the last pictures I had of Mom and the boys and Mike, the night before her death, was to put them in a more formal book. Hence, I started something I am going to have to do for the next twelve or so years.

Now, honestly, I waited until way.too.late to start this project. Basically, I began cobbling together all the pictures a couple of days ago.

My deadline? Oh, today, 12/14/11, for delivery by Christmas Eve, when I gave the books last year. And at least one of the kids remembered that little detail and asked if they'd be ready this year on 12/24 as well. I lied through my teeth at the time and said "Of course." No pressure at all.

Yes, three books, twenty-four pages each, with text under each and every photo, three pages of "the year in review" plus one love letter from Mike and I, in under one week.

That would explain why, when this posts at approximately 1:30am, I am just getting to bed.*

But, instead of feeling the weight of getting this done and getting angry that I started this tradition and blaming myself for procrastinating, I simply sat back and looked on the bright side: "Three kids photo books worth of "the year in review" is certainly the basis for the Christmas letter, right?"

Ya'll? That is so/not/me.

Generally, especially after the midnight faux pas, I'd be all "WHY ME? WHY NOW? WHAT THE ****?"

But, I do think I've had an internal shift this Advent. My list is just as long as it has been in years past, maybe even a bit longer honestly, but I'm just not freaking out and running around like the world is on fire and I'm the only one with a fire extinguisher and the license to use it.

It is so refreshing.

And, I have no one to blame or thank but God. He made my heart new. He helped me see the beauty in the season and the really important things that needed to be done and showed me why I needed to prioritize things in a specific way.

He has brought out the best in me, in my favorite time of the year. How fun is THAT?

So, I now wonder how this Advent is going for you?

Are you panicking because the kids are out at noon on Friday or starting to plan game nights, with popcorn, hot cocoa, and pj's, just because there is no schedule over the Christmas break?

Are you worrying about getting the perfect gift for every one on your list or doing the best you can, knowing it is the gesture that counts?

Are you fretting about the Christmas brunch, worrying about what everyone likes and dislikes, or pulling together a healthy, reasonable meal and letting people either eat or starve?

I hope it's the latter. I hope you are allowing God to calm you down and hold you up and show you the way. I, for one, am not taking steps this Christmas without Him.

And, I guess given it is the season we most often associate with worshiping Him, walking in His counsel would make Him proud.

So, move forward knowing that God is ready to relieve that stress. He's ready to plan your menus and schedules and assist you, if only YOU ASK.

Ask at will.

*It would have been an hour earlier, but I lost the last several pages of The Babe's book to a rookie, forgot to hit save, ridiculous error.

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