Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tummy Aches

Overheard at the dinner table, after The Babe presented a wicked-bad pain in the lower quadrant of his abdomen (please, Lord, not appendicitis....)

Nickels: "I'm sure it's just a gas bubble."
Hooman: "Yeah. They feel really bad."
The Babe, choking back tears that are not cooperating but streaming down his face: "What is an ass bubble."

The entire table explodes in laughter, including both me and Mike.

I shoot the hubster a "REALLY?" look when I think his laugh has lingered a bit too long, followed closely by a correction aimed at The Babe "GAS bubble, baby."

The table, except me, is still finding this a little too funny, with The Babe looking around, clearly amused by himself, but questioning what he said to become the center of attention.

I explained, as gently as I could without using THE word again: "You compared your tummy bubble to a donkey."

That settled it. We all stopped laughing and dinner progressed forward.

But, that bubble? Still holding on at bedtime, just like a stubborn old mule.

Come to think of it, I think The Babe DID use the right terminology.....


  1. Oh dear Lord. If that bubble keeps causing pain? Get thee to a dr. immediately. Papa Bear thought it was gas (or an a$$ bubble) too..... Praying it's just gas!!!

  2. Trust me, my mind went to PB first far today? No big deal. Still watching like a hawk, though.
