Saturday, October 22, 2011


"When you started your day crying, why not end it bawling?"

That should have been my answer when Mike asked if I'd like to go see Courageous tonight. Let's face it, when you are so inspired by the early previews that you start to weep, seeing the whole movie is just going to make it worse. And, it did.

I am not going to give any plot spoilers here. If you've seen the previews, you know that this movie is about Godly men stepping up and taking responsibility for their families. And, you probably have figured out that doing that requires a lot of a man.

The movie drops in on several character's diverse lives and does a good job of telling each of their stories. Unlike other movies created by Sherwood Baptist Church, this was the first one where the dialogue and filming seemed almost seamless. The acting was good to great.

Maybe it's the Pollyanna in me that believes that a revolution not only could, but might, happen in this country if men of faith really stepped up. Maybe it's pie-in-the-sky, but I think stranger revolutions have already happened. And, if enough men took this movie to heart, we could reclaim our families and our streets and the Christian values that have undergirded the U.S.A. for almost 250 years.

This movie gave me that hope. Hope for our boys. Hope for our men. Hope for our families.

My only suggestion is that you stop by the concession stand before you find your seat. Don't worry about getting popcorn or a drink or candy. Just grab the napkins. And then get a few more.

Don't worry; you'll be in good company. Everyone around you will either be blowing their nose, wiping tears, or trying to figure out how to stop their mascara from running, too.

This is a two-pinkie up movie, with a box of kleenex alert.

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