Thursday, June 9, 2011


I have a real love/hate relationship with squirrels. Obviously, I'm concerned enough about them that I tried to figure out how to help my paraplegic friend, but I also know they can be a real pain in the tush.

Such as when they chew holes in things or leave nut-holes all over the yard* or crack open nut shells and don't have the courtesy to deposit them in the trash can, which leaves pointy/sharp objects in the lawn.

So, imagine my interest when I saw two of these little rodents attempting a high-wire act.

Two of the little buggers were perched over the road, way up on the electric wires, right in the center between the poles.

One of the little guys obviously had taken his ADD meds** this morning, because he was calm and focused. Or petrified and nervous to the point of not being able to move. Either way, he was crouched on the line, not moving an inch, facing his compadre in this charade.

The other little guy? Amped up on caffeine or meth. Hard to tell from a distance because I couldn't see if he had pock marks and had prematurely aged or was just spasmodic.

"Crazy Squirrel" was somewhat caught, it appeared, by "Calm Squirrel". See, Crazy didn't want to go the direction that was open and available for travel. He wanted to go the other way, which would be straight over Calm. Who wasn't moving, thank you very much.

I could almost hear Calm saying "You brought me into this situation and you are going to get me out. And, I am facing THAT WAY and that is the way we are going. Because I'm NOT turning around."

Crazy was PACING on the line. He would get about an inch from Calm and turn the other way, go about two feet, and do the same thing. I felt bad for Calm because every two seconds he was getting squirrel butt and tail in his face. But, yet, he was unfazed.

I got to thinking that maybe, just maybe, Crazy wasn't so mad after all. Maybe he was being shocked by the line. Maybe there was something sitting on the pole on the "open" end that was scaring him. Maybe he wasn't Crazy after all.

Then, it got even weirder. I related this to life.

How many times in your marriage have you found yourself being Mr. and Mrs. Crazy/Calm? One of you is going ballistic over a situation and the other is calmly sitting by, waiting for the other to calm down so you can reach your goal?

The most interesting thing is that Crazy and Calm trade places in marriage. Sure, as a general rule, one of you is typically a bit more high-strung. But, if the circumstances change just slightly, you move descriptions without hardly batting an eyelash.

As a Momma, for example, if your child's feelings have been trampled, you might go a little Crazy. Daddy, however, can sit by calmly, knowing the storm will blow over.

But, change the example and Daddy is is in the Crazy seat. If his son has been unfairly judged on the ball field, that will bring up his ire in a flash. Mom, on the other hand, can sit by, sipping her Diet Coke and laughing with her friends.

God knew what he was doing when he decided it takes two to make a baby and two to be parents to him/her. No one person can possibly do the work it takes both Mom and Dad to get the job done. There's either a little too much Crazy or a little too much Calm when there is only one person trying to do the work of two.

Later this morning, when I pass that wire again, I'm going to think of those two squirrels. And I'm going to be extra grateful that God gave me Mike as a partner in parenting. Just like those two squirrels, we are Crazy and Calm.

But, in just the right doses, at the right times, if you ask me.

*Which, from time-to-time, I might or might not have tripped over.

**In case you hadn't noticed, squirrels are the poster children for attention problems in the animal world.

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