Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy Mike

A big, fat shout-out to the wonderful man our kids call Daddy, Mike.

Thank you for putting up with me for almost thirteen years of marriage and fifteen years of knowing each other.

Thanks for agreeing that having a kiddo sounded like a great idea. I knew at my 30th birthday party, when you held my darling Godson, that you were going to be an awesome man to raise children with. Thanks, too, for saying "Yes" when it came time to have number two. And, for making it mathematically impossible to ever again have our family tree show more parents than kids when we tried that one last time.

Thanks for letting me run all my crazy, hair-brain ideas past you at all hours of the day or night. I love it when I'm still talking at 2am and your left eye just can't take it anymore and starts to shut, while your right eye is at "ATTENTION!"* Oh how I want to laugh when that happens!

Thanks for being my partner and biggest support in figuring out how to help the kids. Sometimes I worry that you think, just because you don't attend the appointments or dole out the supplements or do the Bergman program, that you don't have a huge part in the kids' progress; but, you do. With you standing on the sidelines cheering us all on and providing the financial and emotional support we need, we are ALL finding success.

Thank you for being the provider God once whispered I could expect. I never doubted what He told me, I just couldn't imagine how wonderful this life could be. Never once should you think that I don't notice all you go through, on a daily basis, to make your business thrive and provide such an amazing life for your family.

Mostly, thank you for being awesome, kind, generous, friendly you. You are truly the man/husband/father I would pick over and over again.

Happy Father's Day! Jill

*Sadly, this has never stopped me from continuing to talk.

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