Thursday, December 16, 2010


Last week, I joined about three billion other people in watching Barbara Walter's in another one of her specials.

Featured were the cast of "Jersey Shore". I have never watched this show and don't intend to, so all this was fairly foreign to me. And, after watching those "celebrities", I'm glad I haven't been sucked in.

It's like watching gingivitis and body odor become a happenin' trend sometime in my lifetime. NO THANKS.

Anyway, one of these kids was talking about "smooshing". My ears perked up because, you may recall, The Babe and Hoooman have been discussing smooshing lately.

And, up to the point that this over-tanned, Jersey-accented, muscle-bound bonehead used the word, I was under the impression that my sweetums had come up with a nice, new word for kissing*.

Turns out, Jersey-boy uses the word smooshing to refer to "hooking up" with random girls. I'm pretty sure that's when Snookie** further defined it as "friends with benefits."

GOOD GOLLY. My kids are joking around about having sex with total strangers or their good friends*** and I think it's "cute"!!

Leave it to Barbara Walters, whose like 174 years old, to teach this 44 year old Mother something new.

*Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's the sound of the jerkoid who taught my kids this word.

**If that is her real name, her parent's should be in jail.

***OH! And my kids are no longer using that word. Under penalty of a good butt whoopin' or an old-fashioned grounding.

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