Monday, October 18, 2010

Kleenex Alerts

Several of you have mentioned to me that, even with a tissue alert prominently displayed at the top of my post, you aren't heeding my gentle suggestion that you might actually cry upon reading this.

So, I thought I'd (potentially) bore you with some of the reasons I do this:

1. I don't know where you are when you read these posts. I'd hate for you to have to explain to your co-workers, boss, or fellow bathroom stall dwellers WHY you are crying buckets. On company time. So, if you see there might be need for a bit of tree pulp in case you start crying, you might put down the post and read it when I won't get you fired.

2. I also figure you are just as sensitive as I am. And have experienced feelings of loss. It might not be a parent you've said "goodbye" to but in some way, shape or form, we've all experienced the pain of suffering. So, if I find myself crying when I am writing or when I reread what I've written or when I think back on the post, I add the kleenex alert.

3. I am the one who set up this site. I am the one who types these entries. I am the one who will ultimately take credit or blame for the content. But, especially with those posts where I put in a hanky alert, I am not always the one who WRITES the content.

That may sound nuts, and I would understand if you felt that way, but there are simply times that the content of this blog was written THROUGH me, not BY me; I'm the vessel through which the insight flows.

I don't know why God chose me, except for the fact that I love words and I type pretty quickly. Oh. And I'm deeply, madly in love with Him. So, when He writes through me, it is always profound and illuminating and beyond anything I could have imagined, reasoned through, or thought of. Hence, all those posts come with a tissue alert.

Thank you for indulging me while I've taken you on an emotional journey these past few days. I'm having one of those times in life when I'm seeing God's fingerprints on everything and I don't want it to ever end.

But, sadly, I've been here in the past and know there is a valley after this mountaintop, so I'm capturing all I can on this blog. It's always nice, when you're back in yet another valley, to look back and remember that you've not always been there and won't always be there, either.

Don't worry, I'll be back to dog poo and boy pee before long.

If you're lucky.

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