Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is this an early Halloween Prank?

Another reason I am semi-freaked about computers and the potential Orwellian ability to read minds and know my business:

Today, I'm chatting with someone on my Yahoo account. Typically, I'll get a message like "--- is typing" while I wait for a response.*

Then this beauty popped up "--- is in the zone. Wait for an AHA moment."

I kid you not! Then I think "Is God trying to tell me something here? Should I pay extra-close attention? This is totally freaking my stuff** out!"

Problem is, the answer is about as bland as mud: "Noonish."

So, what exactly IS the computer doing? Is it some kind of weird programmer joke, kind of like an 8-ball message that occasionally pops up just to freak the rest of the world out?

Whatever it is, I don't like it.

I don't want to think my computer has "brains" or can "think" or "knows" anything.

I like my computer dumb. I like the phrase "garbage in, garbage out".

And, yes, I know that totally dates me and I'll be the last person to get an Ipad or Iphone or whatever latest and greatest gadget I'm too cheap to buy when it is fresh off the assembly line.

But, I'm OK with that.

Yet, I'm beginning to think my computer ISN'T OK with that. I'm beginning to think it WANTS to know what I'm thinking or maybe it already DOES.

And I'm getting a little "Matrix" paranoid. And just typing that kind of makes me worry about the consequences of my actions.

So, I'm going to post this lovely blog right now, on my lovely computer, and put my lovely laptop away for another day.

And try to forget that my computer has become an 8-ball.

And hope for no more creepy messages.

*Which is 9 times out of 10 because I type fast. Not bragging here...just been doing it since ninth grade, which is SUCH A LONG FRIGGIN' TIME that I've gotten good at it.

**Editing for television, since I'm sure I'll write a sitcom script based on this blog someday.

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