Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This Side of Heaven

How many times have you heard people comment that their loved one is watching over them from Heaven?

Like me, probably a bazillion?

So, when we use this phrase, which is generally meant as a measure of comfort, we imply that our loved one (s/he) has the capacity to do this.

Yet, Biblically, I'm struggling to back this up, even though I've heard this same phrase used countless times, as long as I can remember. And, I'm sure, I've used it before, not really putting much brain-power into what I was saying.

I question the statement, based on the following:

Praising God through song? It's in there.
No more weeping? Check.
The end of pain/suffering? You betcha.

I've read that God weeps with us over our Earthly pain. Family that is deceased? As best as I can tell, not so much crying going on. LOTS of God-worship. LOTS of light. LOTS of praise. But, no tears*.

I think the fact that our pain and suffering end when we leave the Earth would imply that we disconnect to a great extent from the suffering of those who are still here. And, if that is the case, how could those in Heaven look down on a broken person they left behind, in the midst of their grief, and not suffer??

For some reason, the thought of Mom "checking in" on me doesn't bring me as much comfort as thinking of God, who created me, showing interest 24/7/365(366)/my lifetime.

And, maybe, that's the point? Once we lose someone we thought we could never get over losing, God plugs that hole. Slowly, maybe. But, if we let Him, He stands in the gap with us.

He, I know for sure, IS watching.

And those times when "coincidentally" the song comes on the radio that reminds me of Mom**? Or when I asked God for a sign Mom was with Him and I felt butterflies (one of the things she loved) "fluttering" all over the inside of my body? That, too, was God. It's almost like He's winking at me, reminding me "HEY! I haven't left. I'm still around. And so is the memory of your Mom. She's safe with me."

I won't know for sure if my theory is correct without more "research". And, even with tons of time to look into this issue, the answer may still be blurry. Try as I might, the Bible isn't clear to me all the time. And, sometimes, I interpret things wrong. Or just don't think they apply because I've never applied them that way before***.

But, I do know that, once I'm home in Heaven, I'll have the answer to the questions I ask.

And for now, for me, that is enough.

*Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo is on to sumpin'.

**Driving to the hospital for the "last" time, taking all her clothing, shoes, and jewelry to the church for their women's garage sale, and before Zachary's confirmation. Too much "coincidence" for me.

***Bonus points for proving me wrong, people! Send me your comments.

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