Friday, August 27, 2010

Is That Calendar RIGHT?

I had to double check to be sure it wasn't Friday the 13th because, before 7a.m., the following occurred:

1. The Babe discovered he wet the bed. No big until he went to finish the pee-pee job in the bathroom, while holding his wet clothes, and dropped his Spiderman undies and matching pants in the toilet.

There just ain't enough antibacterial goo in the world.....

2. Mike decided to give the dogs some love and discovered fleas.

Two baths later they were running around like banshees on crack....

3. Hooman's fish, Mr. Guppy, decided to go to the big fish tank in the sky. As if that wasn't bad enough, both of the other boy's fish tanks needed to be cleaned, so they were in full view of the Hooster for the rest of the morning.

I think someone is going to the fish store this morning....

On a positive note, we now have the Jesus Mii on the Wii. The jury is still out on whether our house will be struck by lightning for creating this.


  1. It feels like everything goes wrong at once, it can be overwhelming!

  2. At least they generally come in threes...once this passed, the day went smoothly. Yeah, God!
