Thursday, June 3, 2010

My "Single Kid" Week

~~Before you cuss the author, please keep in mind that Blogger, as in this website, has had their heads up their rears for the last few days and no one could post anything. This was written last week and saved after an interruption (imagine that) and I couldn't post it until now.~~

One of the many benefits of having just one, miniature child at home this week is that we can pretty much go where the wind blows us.

Save T-Ball, his schedule is pretty much blank. And I intentionally left the schedule sans stuff so we could do whatever tickled our collective fancy.

His room now is the only one with decorations on the wall: artwork, shelves for his Legos*, even a shelf with hooks to hang all the hoodies we've accumulated over the last 10 years that have been handed down and now fit him.**

We managed to meet The Babe's only gastronomic desire of the entire week: Costco pizza.***

We even tackled Six Flags! An adventure that began at 11:45 and didn't stop until 5:45, a scant 15 minutes before the park closed. I hurt.

Even more amazing was that this little daredevil of a child, all puffed up at five, road the Shock Wave. Yes, the double-looped, all you can see is sky most of the ride, rollercoaster that most sane people look at and go "Upside down? NOT."

And he is also ready for school, having been to Parker Uniforms and to pay Fall tuition.

To cap off his week, in the car to pick up his brothers, he piped up and said "I'm just a good kid. That's it."

We agree, little man. Thanks for being so much fun and such a great addition to our family.

*Which I hung with painstaking accuracy. Read: this took a trip to Target and the Home Depot and several awful minutes of installation during which I almost cussed, but, by gosh, they are up, functional and STRAIGHT. Miracle.

**Translation: we have an unnatural fetish with hoodies. When I say "we", that is a big, fat royal we. In other words, it's really just me.

***At least it wasn't boxed macaroni and cheese. Bonus: got all my Costco shopping done while he munched out in the cart!


  1. Sounds like a migration over to wordpress might be in order!

    Sounds like a fun week with the little dude! Give him a big bear hug for me!!

  2. The shock wave???? Seriously? I can't believe that almost 10 pound baby 5 years ago is now ready to ride the shock wave!!!! Impossible!
