Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Scream the word SUNDAY like you mean it. Like the announcer at the beginning of WWE matches. The smack downs that feature dudes and dudettes like The Skullkrushers, MsChif, and Undertaker.*

Normally, I wouldn't get this hyped about a Sunday because Sundays, in my mind, are rather demure, lazy, quiet kind of days. Sunday is the one day of the week when you can take a nap and nobody will look at you all crazy like "You have just earned the 'Biggest Sluggard on Earth' award". Because a Sunday without a nap is like a Friday without the "TGI".

Add to that the fact that there is a little bonus during Lent I like to refer to as the "Get Out of Jail Free" card, and you have the PERFECT day.

For those of you out of the Lent loop, Sundays are the exempt day of the week. They are Feast Days. You can throw your chosen fast or abstinence out the window, so to speak, for 24 hours.

So, you know what that means for me?! Twenty-four hours of freedom to blog my heart out. I AM A HAPPY WOMAN.

Of course, I'm going to do my level best not to abuse this practice. In years past, when I've given up sweets, I NEVER observed Sundays as Feast Days. I knew one backward glance at sugar cane would cause a weekful of regrets in the form of torture from my body which would start screaming at 12:01am Monday "HEY! Where's the sugar?"** and wouldn't stop until I finally caved.

I don't think that will happen with the computer. I'm learning a good lesson about how much I am addicted to this stupid thing.***

Now? I'm off to conquer the other blog spots I haunt and catch up on their morsels.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. I heart you!

*Which totally begs the question: is wrestling a side gig or does he do it to drum up business?

**When I say screaming, I mean SCREAMING, as in Jerry Maguire screaming "Show me the money". Except LOUDER. Much louder.

***And, YES, I realize I posted about a Sunday on a Tuesday. I had to write this on Sunday because I'm so pressed for time the other six days of the week. If this really messes with you, please come back next Sunday and read this.


  1. '***And, YES, I realize I posted about a Sunday on a Tuesday. I had to write this on Sunday because I'm so pressed for time the other six days of the week. If this really messes with you, please come back next Sunday and read this."

    But by the time I get to this footnote on this Tuesday, I've already read through the whole post on Sunday on Tuesday.

    I'm really confused. ;-)

  2. I do my level best to confuse anybody who might read this blog, especially the one who convinced me to start these shinanigans....
    My advice? Try reading it tomorrow and your world will stop revolving because then it won't be Tuesday OR Sunday and you will be rudderless.

  3. But now tomorrow is Saturday and on Saturday I expect to be rudderless.

    So it's all good now!
