Friday, December 11, 2009

I've Been Outed!

So, for 157 posts, I've lived in the lives of eight people who claim to like what I write SO MUCH that they actually have this drivel sent to their email accounts each and every day. To all of you: thanks for the love. I think you are hysterically crazy to tune in each and every day, but that must prove something about my life is wacky enough to like.

Commencing today, with post 158, it's going to get a bit more crowded around here, though, because I've been outed to the masses! To an entire Christmas list, nonetheless. I think I might just throw up.

I immediately began to wonder if the last two posts, which were lightly peppered with obscenities*, are going to offend someone.

Then I thought "Well, self. You really write this post for people who know you OR who need to say "GOD BLESS YOU"** to someone else."

So, if I offend with my occasional slip o' the fingers, please know I have a New Year's Resolution to contribute a quarter to a charity for each and every instance of cursing or "thought cursing" that issues forth from this mouth or brain.***

My next brain surge was "I've taken GREAT pains to avoid people reading my post." I don't share my blog address unless I KNOW they know me well enough to separate the poo from the shinola.****

Now, HOW RIDICULOUS IS THAT? Really, what is the point of writing if you aren't going to allow others to read it? It's like baking without sharing.*****

Deep down, I'm afraid of the criticism. That's the bottom line. And, it's a ridiculous habit that has kept me from making plenty of good decisions throughout my entire life. Sounds like the beginning of another resolution, doesn't it?

OH! And in case the person who "outed" me is worried even a bit about this: STOP. I love you more than you'll ever know and I really do think this is a great occurrence. God has been knocking on my heart to write for a long time now and if I am going to honor His request, I need to be prepared to share what I've written to help others. And, GULP, accept criticism. Thank you for thinking enough of this blog to want to spread the insanity.

Well, readers. Have a fantastic, wonderful, safe Friday.

And don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another adventure from life on planet Nowell.

*HEY NEWBIES TO THIS POST! Stop trying to figure out how to go backward to the last two days and focus on TODAY!!

**This is a very genteel, Southern way of saying "THANK GOODNESS I'M NOT YOU!!!"

***By the end of January, someone will be casting a bronze bust of me to put in the large wing of a hospital that will be paid for by my "cuss fund".

****Point for me! Didn't type the cuss word. Quarter for the jar: thought of the REAL quote.

*****Unless it's chocolate and then I don't share quite so well.

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