Friday, December 16, 2011


There's a "pay it forward" mentality spreading across America. Have you heard about it?

Several layaway accounts at Kmart stores across the nation, generally with $50-$250 balances, have been paid off by anonymous donors. One of the most generous was standing at the layaway desk, telling people it was their blessed day when they came to make a payment. She left the store, handing out $50 bills and paying for a large cart of Christmas gifts for another woman in her husband's, "Ben's", honor she stated.

Most of the stories tell of accounts that were behind, merchandise that was about to be reshelved, and Christmas that wasn't going to happen. And, then, someone pays it all off. Anonymously.

There's sometime magical, palpable, about this season. The anticipation, the wonder, the excitement and the generosity stand out in December.

If only we could harness that sparkle the other eleven months of the year. What a world this would be.

I think that is what we are called to do, by Christ, daily. To think outside ourselves and give to others. Not just of our financial wealth, but also of our time, our talents, our shoulder, our love. And it would make Him proud were we to act as if Christmas was right around the corner in the big, fat middle of August.

The lesson in this story isn't complicated. It isn't hard to understand, though for some it is hard to comprehend. It is beautiful in its simplicity: when we are at our best, we give. And though it isn't designed as a blessing for us, we can't help but feel the effects of our generosity.

May your Christmas season be filled with moments that are equally as breathtaking.

In case you care to read the story in its entirety:

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