Saturday, September 10, 2011

Six Hundred

If 1 is the loneliest number, then 600 must be really good company.

And, I can tell from reading your comments and laughing with you through life and crying as I write, that you, awesome readers, have been GREAT company.

I, literally, wouldn't do this if you didn't sign on and take time out of your day to see what crazy new thing has descended on our household.  SQUIRREL.

And, now that I am 100 pages into the book I'm writing about Mom's illness, I can tell that this little habit that started 600 posts ago is now way beyond the "obsession" Mike called several months ago.  Writing has become a way of life.

I could eat, drink and breath writing at the moment.  So the option of NOT continuing to tell you how twisted life has become or how wonderful God has been or why you need to get off your butt and take action...well, that is no longer an option.

I do, however, have to find that balance between writing and not allowing my house to be swallowed by dust bunnies* and actually shopping for groceries so when the kids ask for a snack and I don't declare "Black olives or carrot sticks.  Your choice!"

So, onward we go.  Used to be that I'd say "I'll keep doing this for another 100 posts.  Maybe."  Now, I'm looking at 1,000 and thinking "We should throw a hellacious party for that one!"

Thanks.  You have been such an encouragement on the other side of this screen.  You've made me laugh, brought me to tears, and given me hope that I can actually do this writing thing that I know God gave me a talent for. You will never know how much each of you mean to me.

Blessings on you, today and always.

 *Especially now that they all now have names.

1 comment:

  1. Blog on, my friend! We are all better for it! We love you!!
