Thursday, November 18, 2010


It was shortly before summer that I typed the numbers 3-0-0 in the Title blank on this blog.

Looking backward even further still, post number 100 was almost the end in my mind. I wasn't sure I had it in me to continue on and I sure wasn't making any money doing it and I was driving everyone around me nuts with my new obsession.

This journey started with more of a "FINE. I'll write if you shut-up" than with a willing and eager writer.

And now? I can hardly wait to sit down and pound my fingers across the keyboard and tell you all the wacky, great things that are happening in my life.

I worry sometimes that you will think I'm vain or haughty or self-absorbed since all these stories include me. But, I guess that doesn't stop people from, daily, writing their autobiographies.* And, most of you have stuck with me for this entire haul, so I guess you like SOMETHING about what I'm doing.

As I looked at the "300th" post, I realized I've made the giant step I was so worried about. And I didn't trip. I barely even hit the ground and twelve chapters of that long dreamed-about book were under my belt.** No doubt, thanks to some or all of you who answered my request to pray for me. My hands played marionette to God's words as I wrote and, if you prayed, you are a very important part of that writing. THANK YOU.

I've managed to make it from 300 to 400 in slightly more than five months time. I've shifted the focus, on many occasions, to what I feel God is calling me to write, instead of the usual suspects: poo, pee, and drinking.

I think the posts have become more substantative and interesting and engaging.

Yet, I've noticed you've stopped commenting. And, some days, I wonder if I've ticked you off so much that you can't take another day of my blattering on. Other days I think I've challenged you too much. Or made you cry...again...and you are mad at me. On the best days, the ones I'm most secure in, I just hope something I wrote left you so speechless that no comment could even begin to cover what you are feeling.

THAT would, most definitely, be the highest compliment I could possibly recieve.

But, with only 400 posts under my belt, I don't think I've reached that level of sophistication yet.

So, onward and upward. With this blog. With the book. With our lives.

Thanks for staying tuned. Keep coming back. Often.

I look forward to seeing you here for another 400 posts or so......

*NOT the subject of my first book, for sure. Even bets on it being the subject of number two, though.

**Let's not discuss the fact that I haven't written another word since.....

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading. Some comments were sent through more private medium, but the past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy. Doesn't mean I've stopped reading though. :-)
