Friday, February 19, 2010

Wii for the Little People?

"MOOMMMMM! Tell Dad to get off the Wii!"

Eldest son has just purchased a game for the Wii and Mike is "taking his turn". Why is this creating a problem? This is a game Mike is VERY fond of and has previously beaten.

Are you following here? He finished the game. Kaput. Complete. No more levels. That, folks, takes time. And ridiculous concentration. And creates very sore fingers and hands.

So, now that this game is in HD glory, etched on the wall in 65 inches of full-blown color, Mike feels the need to conquer the beast again. So far, he's beaten it back to the tune of 30 minutes. And he is still going.

And it is driving my other children to distraction.


Here we go again.

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