Monday, November 12, 2012

Running Part Dos

Well, it wasn't the race he had hoped for, but the San Antonio marathon is in the books! 

I seem to be the proud peacock around here, not Mike.  Even though he finished in what I consider a respectable time (did I mention he FINISHED?  Accomplishments number one!), he was disappointed. 

He was a full thirty minutes on the course longer than he had expected, the weather being his biggest enemy:  95% humidity and 81 degrees with full sun right about mile 15 or so.  Can you say &^#)_?  These were conditions that most of the runners weren't 1) expecting and 2) didn't train for.  Just ask the chick that dropped to the pavement or the guys who started wilting on the course and went from a good running pace to walking, at best. 

What I will remember about this first finished marathon is the answer to prayer:  Mike's right knee gave him absolutely no trouble.  Didn't even make a peep.  Now, his left knee?  The one that started throwing a hissy fit late last week?  About killed him.  But, thanks to my Ironwoman friend's advice on using KT tape, Mike now realizes that he can continue to train without much trouble from his bum knee.  According to him, KT tape is a running savior.

This morning I spoke with a friend who runs long distances and she understood what Mike was going through.  I guess, when you've trained for one result and have that in your mind as the goal, it is hard to shake that idea.  It is difficult to see finishing and having your bad knee cooperate as victories.

About the only thing I know to compare the disappointment to is childbirth.  You think it will go this way and then something veers sharply another direction causing a train wreck of emotions and regret and sadness about what you THOUGHT the experience would be.  Now THAT?  I get.

Despite the rather gloomy post-race letdown, we enjoyed our short time in San Antonio.  The place we stayed, courtesy of Dad and Patty, was amazing.  The course actually hit one block over from our hotel at mile 8.4, so we were there when Mike passed and that was huge for all of us.  

The drive down took us off-roading as a wreck outside Austin had 35S almost at a standstill.  We enjoyed driving a parallel road that boasted some beautiful ranches and rolling, treed hills.  The drive home was smooth sailing.

So, I'll wrap up San Antonio with the best glass-half-full I can muster:  thanks for being the impetus for Mike having a course record to beat.  I think my husband has found his inner runner and I expect that he will be pounding the pavement for years to come, knee willing.

I doubt we'll see you again, Rock N Roll San Antonio, but regardless, we hope you'll rock on!  


Post-Race (proud of our Daddy!)

1 comment:

  1. Disappointment?? Mr. Mike, you FINISHED a marathon!! How many people can say that?? You should be proud and be thankful. Not disappointed. :-)

    Well done, my friend!
