Tuesday, January 3, 2012


A friend reminded me tonight that not everyone enjoys writing or finds it easy or loves to do it.

Is the abject HORROR showing on this blogger's face?

I realize writing is not something every one wants to do every waking moment of their life. But, I guess it had been awhile since someone so kindly put my abilities in my face and said "SEE? You have a gift."

I suck at plenty of things. I hate to sew and iron and wash windows. I'm not particularly good at making yeast breads or creating meaningful holiday projects or coming up with ideas for a rainy day family activity.

And, honestly, I don't consider myself that good at writing. I just type what comes out of my brain and it is what it is.  If it touches someone? Groovy. If it makes for a funny story? Awesome. If it becomes a great memory that only my family cares about? Fine.

So, the idea that someone wouldn't write because they "aren't good at it" just doesn't register.

I guess that isn't that far from how God sees us.

He gifted us with certain "extra-special" abilities, that usually show up from our earliest days, though we might not recognize them until much later in life.

It is our job to discern what those abilities are. We can do that by listening to what others see as our talents, speaking to and listening for God, reading the Bible, or being mentored in a variety of areas to determine which appeal to us the most.*  The possibilities are limitless, just like the gifts!

But, I don't think we are censored to just one thing that we are good at.  I think we have a variety of gifts, some more powerful than others, from which God can use our lives.

So, a writer can also be a great speaker.

And a housewife can be a great teacher.

And a businessman can be a great fundraiser.

And on and on and on the list goes.

God uses us as He sees fit and as we allow Him to.** He lets our light shine into places we would NEVER consider but that He ordained us for before we were even a though in our parent's minds.

What a privilege it is to be God's own. To be chosen for tasks that we feel inadequate and undereducated and undeserving to fulfill. Yet, to be perfectly equipped, by His good grace, to accomplish the task He has set before us.

We are all authors, in our own domain, through His power. The actions and words of our life are being recorded as we move throughout our days, without us lifting a pen or editing the words or worrying about the authenticity of what is being written.

Our stories are being recorded, second by second, whether we choose to record them or not. So, what will your story be?

A bold person who chose to follow a path others said was folly?

A person of conviction who saw Christ in the world around them, embraced their talents and used them for good?

Or, will you sit by the sidelines, watching your story unfold through someone else's life, all the while lamenting your decision not to act?

It truly is your choice.  But, you are gifted in some way.  Why let those gifts go to waste?

*The best way is through some combination of all of these or through countless other channels that point us to what we are best suited to do.

**That is such a crucial point:  WE cooperate in this plan.  Or we don't.  Our choice.

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