Friday, December 9, 2011

The Locusts are Coming!

I've settled on an idea for the book I'm writing about Mom and it has to do with locusts. More on that to come. But, for today, just know you are going to get a dose of these little buggers.

Locusts have an interesting history in the Bible. They show up in Exodus, as one of the plagues on Egypt, and then close the Bible in Revelation, where they are given a five month reign of terror on those who don't wear the seal of God on their foreheads.

That strange John the Baptist ate these little beauties in the wilderness, with honey as a dipping sauce, no doubt.

Since I'm not an entomologist, I can't tell diddly-squat worth of a difference between the picture of a grasshopper and one of a locust. But, apparently, there is some distinction.

Now, when locusts descend, they do so in force. They eat everything in their sight, leaving absolutely nothing to be salvaged. Kind of like if someone let me loose on an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet.*

When I think of the destruction of the locust, I think of desolation. I think of complete bareness. I think of winter.

And, lo and behold, here we are...on the cusp of winter.

Now, winter is a mixed bag. It is, in some ways, one of the the most beautiful seasons, with snow and ice and everything blanketed crystal and white. It is also one of the ugliest since the snow gets muddied up on the streets and the ice and blanketing can cause power outages that last for days.

But, there is a purpose for the beauty/ugliness of winter. It allows all growing things to lie dormant and rest for a bit; to prepare for the coming spring, when everything will grow like crazy, when there will be thankfulness for the hiatus.

The trap we sometimes find ourselves in is not being happy with the season. Especially in Texas, where the weather swings are crazy at times, winter can be downright unpredictable. Where shorts suffice one day, a heavy jacket is necessary the next. And that can make for short tempers and extremely tiny fuses.

As we simultaneously endure the changes winter brings and look forward to the Christ child, there are going to be moments where we are unhappy with the season.

We'll wish it was warmer or colder or that Christmas would get here faster or that time would slow down so we could catch up or that the invitations to do good would stop when our money did.

But, just like the locusts, the season is descending. It is taking over. It is having its way. And, you can either go with it joyfully or dig your heels in and be a Scrooge. It's your choice.

Why not take a hint from the soon-to-be leafless trees and the hibernating grass? They don't worry about what is to come, but instead revel in the change, accept it, and rest.

Even if it is for but just a minute, can you find time to rest in the word of God? Can you focus your mind on the beauty of the meaning of Christmas? Can you find respite from the busyness for but just a moment?

The season is coming hard and fast. And your best defense is to accept the change. Flow with it. Dance circles in it. Do your best to embrace it.


*Kidding. Kinda.

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