Monday, October 31, 2011

Got Angry?

I just finished an amazing book by Chip Ingram, pastor and author, titled The Invisible War. The premise of the book is that Christians need to put on the whole armor of God on a daily basis to be prepared to deal with the war that is going on around us in the unseen world. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Spurred on by the good writing and sound, Biblical message, armed with a gift certificate to, and intrigued by the title (Overcoming Emotions that Destroy), I purchased another book by Mr. Ingram.

I didn't bother to read the subtitle before I ordered the book (Practical Help for Those Angry Feelings That Ruin Relationships) so I didn't really know I was about to be getting the help I've so desperately needed all these years.

Guys, this one was a life-changer from the minute I started reading chapter one. And, I venture to say, if you've dealt with unresolved anger over ANYTHING in life, it will be for you, too.

What I had never stopped to consider is the premise that anger isn't always bad.

Read that sentence again.

Anger isn't always bad.

Growing up, I can remember hearing "Don't get angry!", as if it was a curse. I think I heard that phrase an awful lot because I remember being prone to fits if I didn't get my way or I got frustrated or just felt emotions that I couldn't quite figure out how to express.

Oh, wait. That was last week, wasn't it?


Here is the definition used in the book "Anger is a charged, morally neutral, emotional response of protective preservation."

I'm learning SO MUCH I never knew about how to use anger appropriately. I'm figuring out what kind of negative emotional anger I've been prone to in the past. And, along with prayer and lots of soul searching (which is helped along by questions to consider and action steps to take at the end of every chapter), I'm finding myself less angry as each chapter is under my belt.

My sincerest hope, from all this reading, is that I become a person who expresses righteous anger; anger with a holy purpose, aimed at things that are ungodly and need to be changed for the betterment of the kingdom.

The other stuff, junk that has no real righteous basis, that just ticks me off? I'm praying to identify how I can positively channel that negativity into something good. Maybe, say, weightlifting with lots and lots of grunting sounds.

I want to be squarely in the midst of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) I don't want to be soundly in the realm of acts of the sinful nature including hatred, discord, fits of rage and dissensions. (Galatians 5:20).

Especially if you find yourself in the midst of being hurt or angry at another person today, this is a book to consider picking up and reading through.** I can't predict it will have as much impact on you as on me, but I certainly think it is worth the chance.


*I think you can preview the chapter titles and maybe the first chapter on Such a cool feature....

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