Friday, August 12, 2011


I have long ascribed to the theory that God can't download too much information into our brains at one time because we just couldn't handle it.  Literally, our minds are too feeble to take in everything He could send us in one sitting.

However, I also believe that we are given revelation at the exact time that God needs us to see something brand new.  It may be something He has put in our path numerous times, such as a piece of scripture or a homeless person or a desire that isn't from Him, that we see with eyes so fresh that it is literally like we are seeing it for the first time.  And we delight like a child, seeing their first puppy, with wonder and amazement and joy beyond recognition.

Such has happened to me this week.  It has been a gradual week of layers of an onion being peeled back, culminating with a shortened sleep that awoke me very early this morning.  It has been a probing into my own heart and life and the lives of those around me.

It woke me, both literally and figuratively, to things around me that have, up to this point been a mystery.

And, over the next few weeks, I imagine you'll see bits and pieces of this come through in my writing.  I'm not ready, nor do I think I'm able, to share much yet.  You see, I'm still wrapping my mind around all this.  This proverbial peeling of the onion.

But, I realized this morning a few things.  Some of these relate to those of you who read this blog and you will instantly know "This is my story" or "This is the story of that person I love" or "This is what God needs me to rest in this week."

For others of you, this will smack of something entirely different.  It will sound prophetic and you'll wonder "Who is SHE to think she can claim these things?"

And, 24 hours ago, I would have told you "I am NO ONE to believe.  I am simply a sinner forgiven."  But, when God works in your life and lays issues on your heart so heavy that you think it might explode, you have to give voice to what He is speaking.  To silence yourself would be to silence Him.  And I NEVER, EVER, EVER want to do that again.

So, I risk you thinking that I am a touch crazy, foolish, high, or whatever you might associate with the following.  But, honestly, I don't care.  I am moving forward knowing that God has messages to share, THROUGH ME, that the world, and, more specifically, YOU, need to hear.

Your marriage troubles?  Completely of the devil.  He sees strength in the two of you and he knows that he can knock you down by troubling the heart of your man.  As the woman in this marriage, you are currently taking the spiritual lead for a time until your husband's eyes are open to these schemes.  You ARE the Ruth in this situation.  Rest easy, knowing the times of tribulation will make your marriage stronger.  And, even though they are far from over, you have much to be thankful for.

Your relative who can't let go?  She is sick.  Physically, emotionally, spiritually.  She has strongholds in her life that date back to before you were born.  It is imperative that you receive help.  You can not cure her, but you can cleanse yourself, get right with God, and be the one who helps pray her well.  You are the David to the Goliath that is the giant in her life.  This is a victory you will claim later.

That battle with pride you've been waging?  It is far from over.  It is far from won.  But you are on the right track.  And, if you continue on this track, you are going to break generational sin in your family of origin and begin a new branch on the tree of your family.  A healthy branch.  A Godly branch.  All you need is faith that you CAN be cured of this illness.  Claim victory now and watch it come into your life.

That anger you feel toward one so small?  You will find the biggest blessing of your lives in that little one.  You will find that all your pain and anger and fear will melt when you hold him for the first time.  You are being blessed and the devil wants you to believe it is a curse.  Rebuke him.  Tell him to leave your home and your life and watch him flee.  Rejoice!  For it is well with this child and with you.

Those financial troubles you so desperately seek refuge from?  They are coming.  But, you must be prepared for a complete shifting of your mind in this regard.  Don't expect riches to pull you out of this pit;  expect blessing in regards to your mind believing the true and right things of God's teachings.  Things don't make you.  On the contrary, they've done nothing but break you over the years.  When you start to let go of the dream you've had about things, you will be on the track to your most fulfilling years of wealth.  Just don't expect it to be the wealth of the world.  Expect a peace that can only come from following God.

I have literally written this in less than twenty minutes.  I know some of what I've written is targeted at specific people.  I know some of what I've written is for people I don't know, but God does.

If anything speaks to you from today's post, it is probably God.  So listen closely and see what you are supposed to glean.

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