Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Coupon Codes, Schmoupon Codes

Dear Large Coupon Company Who Sends Me Deals On an Almost Daily Basis--
When I write to explain that the coupon codes I purchased don't work, they don't.

When you reply "please follow these instructions", which I've tried 13 times, it's not me.  It's YOU.

When I send a message to the company I want to purchase products from and they can't get your codes to work either, and I communicate this to you, please don't resend your instructions for me to follow AGAIN.  Been there.  Got the finger cramps from trying.

When I email you again because I am disputing the charges from your company and your response is to send the instructions a THIRD time, along with a condescending note that your programmers checked the codes and they worked for your geek squad, don't be surprised when you receive this*:

I want to make something CLEAR.  My issue has been with M-Company this WHOLE TIME.  I explained three times, via email, that the m-company codes weren't working and I kept receiving condescending messages about how to use the codes.  In the process, I wasted valuable time and energy on something that could have easily been fixed on your end.

I followed, in each of all three instances, the exact RULES I was originally sent when I purchased this deal.  I do not, in any way, blame R-company;  they attempted to help.  Unfortunately, the codes weren't working on their end, EITHER, as evidenced by an email attachment I forwarded from them.

What I would have appreciated is someone taking the time to call me and straighten this out via phone;  I sent my number via email and I'm sure it is on my account as well.  This probably could have been fixed had someone changed the codes so that both R-company and I weren't stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I expect better customer service than canned emails re-explaining instructions which I can clearly read and follow.  Unfortunately, you all dropped the ball on this one, big time.  I appreciate you crediting my account before I had to go through the process of disputing it;  sadly, since I kept receiving the same, canned message time after time, I felt I had no recourse but to go that route.

And, yes.  I expect to receive another email.  Probably with detailed instructions on how to stick my codes where the sun doesn't shine.

UPDATE:  I DID receive another email!  This time, the company fell on their sword and profusely apologized for not handling the situation well and thanked me for my feedback (because they like getting the "good, bad and the ugly" so they can improve their customer's experience.  Can I hear a collective "AAAWWWW!!")

I, in turn, responded:  Please accept my apologies for being an "ass".**  

And, now?  I have to give them a second chance.  Not just because they ended up being so nice, but, more on point, because they refunded my money AND gave me a $5 credit on my account!

I guess this falls under "All's well that ends well"??

*No capital letters were hurt in the writing of this letter.

**Yes, this is exactly what I said.  Should get a good laugh on the other end of the email, as well.

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