This post has sat in line, waiting for the right time, since May 29th of this year. Since the news was new at that time, I didn't know how Hoo would take it if he saw this on my computer. Now that we are almost two months out, I think this is a good, sweet memory for him; hence, the publication today. MommaJ
One of the rites-of-passage that we parents get to deal with is the ins-and-outs of "love" that our kids inevitably will encounter. I'm talking about the kind of love that all the sudden seems to attack our kids when we least expect it. Cupid, if you will, for the much-too-young set.
The Nowell boys certainly aren't immune to this. Nickels has admired young ladies since he was in Preschool. Every year, in every class, there was a new love interest. Most of them could have cared less about him, but he seemed to be perpetually smitten. He is going to be a wonderful husband because he will be used to hanging with girls who aren't hanging on his every word. And, let's face it, women of the world: we have our moments when we don't exactly treat our men the way they deserve. Let's just say that Nickels will have the experience to be able to handle that.
At the tender age of four, The Babe encountered the new paradigm between girls/boys on the playground during his last year in Preschool. Seems a sweet young thing with three much older siblings wanted him to notice her something fierce. She was darling* but his posse of friends was still solidly in the "girls have cooties" zone and they formed a human barrier around him on the playground to keep The Babe from being infected. Apparently, during one of these chasing sessions, one of the boys attempted to kick little miss and, like an out-of-control zombie, it didn't faze her a bit. Can we collectively say "aggressive"? Thankfully, the end of Preschool meant the end of her.
Hooman, on the other hand, has been blissfully ignorant of everything girl-related. Not once has he mentioned that a girl was "cute" or "sweet". In fact, he has acted like a horse with blinders when it comes to girls.
So, imagine my surprise when he entered the car after school this week and had a "secret". He could hardly contain himself. I thought he'd pee his pants waiting to move out of the carpool lane to be able to tell me.
Her name is Katherine. And she told him she likes him. And he said he likes her, too.
Today, on the playground, Hooman asked her if she liked him "as a friend or as a boyfriend". "As a boyfriend", she said. The same question, asked from her perspective was answered "As a girlfriend".
I fully expect, any moment now, the letters between them will start flying. You know the ones: folded in a tight square shape, with DO NOT SHOW ANYONE printed on the front with the following inside: Circle one YES NO Would you like to sit with me at lunch?
Oh, the memories.
I'm not going to break anybody's heart and tell them that, by the time you have your first underarm hair, she will be a distant memory.
I'm not going to jump in and buy my Mother's dress for their wedding.
I'm simply going to bask in the glory that is young "love". And be available should things to South before school lets out next week.
One thing is for sure: the boys are growing up. They are learning about feelings that can't be contained. They are getting their first tastes of attraction and the overwhelming desire to spend time with people of the opposite sex.
I'd be lying if I said there isn't a bit of anxiety about all this. I wonder if we've done the best job we can preparing the boys for rejection and how to treat a young lady and what love really means.
For all our children, I say a prayer: that they will remain true to their Christ, His values, His way, and His love. That, when they fall and get hurt or hurt someone else, they will find a way to forgiveness, either as the grantor or the receiver. That, even when the right person comes along, their allegiance to him/her would be subordinate to their fidelity to Christ. And that they would have the kind of 1 Corinthians 13 love that never fails.
Who knows where this crush will go. Certainly not I. But, I do know it takes a few crushes to get to the right person.
I just pray, in between the first crush and the last breath they take on this earth, that my boys find a woman who takes their breath away because of who she is in Christ. And that, ultimately, they are as blessed in their marriage as I have been in mine.
*Let's just say they would have made beautiful children together once they were married and in a solid financial position.....
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