Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yes, I'm Blessed

Commentary from The Babe at dinner tonight:

"Mom? Can I get more broccoli?"
"Yes, dear."
"Where is it?"
"In the fridge."

Child makes a beeline to the fridge. He's already consumed about 3/4 cup of the little trees, one BBQ grilled pork chop, and some potato. He is about to possess the other cup of broccoli that didn't make it to the dinner table.

"Mom?" He says, as he's spooning broccoli out of the container into his mouth "THIS is the best stuff EVER."

"Really?" It's a mix of "Are you possessed?" and "I'm SO STINKIN' GLAD YOU ARE WILLING TO EAT VEGGIES!"

"YEAH. I want you to serve this with pasta and fruit every night. You got that? EVERY NIGHT?"

"UMMMM." I'm going to hate pasta in about four nights if we stick to his plan.

"NO. Wait. I want this in the morning and at lunch AND at dinner. You got that?"

Another "UMMMM."

"This is just the BEST!!!" He's now dancing with his broccoli in its glass bowl. It's utter ecstasy in action. Kind of like Billy Elliott meets Chef Boyardee. Strange, sure. But, in a funky kind of way, its completely embraceable.

My first resolution of the year is also being complimented nicely by his continuing, yet suddenly rabid, desire for all things green and tree-like: that's one less thing I'll have to yell about at the dinner table*.

*If he's eating his veggies, I won't have to constantly repeat "Please eat your broccoli" until I'm blue in the face and beyond the point of patience. Hence, no yelling about neglected vegetables!


  1. I LOVE broccoli! Do you remember how much Shiner loved it too??

  2. I remember him crunching lettuce like it was a delicacy--don't remember the broccoli, though :(
