Friday, January 21, 2011

Party Planning for the Five and Under Set

The Babe has been planning his birthday for about two weeks now. Problem is, his birthday isn't until May 10th.

Unlike his Mother, he is early for everything. And doesn't roll in at the last minute, sideways, praying it all goes well.

When I say planning, I don't mean to indicate that he is trying to decide between a "Thomas the Tank Engine" and a "Superman" theme. No, we are WAY past that point.

We have a guest list, games have been chosen, "homemade" invitations created, a preferred gift list for Mom and Dad prepared*, and we've been given specific instructions on how to wake him up the morning of his birthday.

He's also preemptively struck with multiple "Thank yous" for the gifts he has chosen for us to purchase in the future. He has indicated that he is super-glad we are the best parents in the world because he KNOWS we are going to purchase one of the two Lego sets he has his heart prepared to receive. Once every few days he'll throw his arms around our necks and give us big kisses, in anticipation of the best birthday party and gift EVER!

If you are wondering if all of this build-up is giving me a little performance anxiety? Nah. I'm feeling absolutely no pressure to live up to his grandiose expectations. Cough.

Nickels and Hooman have rolled their eyes so many times I'm afraid they may have strained some random eye muscle. Up to this point, the harshest thing they've said is "Babe? Can you stop talking about your birthday?"** Were I a betting woman***, though, I'd say this is gonna escalate come about February. It could be a bloody Valentine's around here.

Me? I'm just smiling and remembering that my little guy's love language is gifts. Plus extravagant parties.

I've also used this opportunity to predict his career path: he's going to prepare extraordinary parties, well in advance, for very wealthy and generous people. He'll be the first straight, adorable, male party planner in the world.

I fully expect that our 25th wedding anniversary will be his first "paid" gig****, paving the way for a fantastic career.

I can just imagine what might happen when he starts mulling over ideas. The months and months of details will become the conversation piece of every get together. Both his brothers will be bald from pulling all their hair out.

Do you think it's too early to start dropping hints about the location, cake, and the perfect gift?

With two bows, of course.

*Including the statement "I want the box wrapped and TWO bows on the gift. Not one."

**Through clenched teeth, which is difficult to pull off.

***Oh wait! I am.

****At a discount, of course.


  1. Wow! J's is about 3 or 4 weeks away and I haven't decided on anything yet. Maybe if I hand over responsibility to Babe he can get it done for me!! Love him and all of you!!
