Friday, January 28, 2011

Hold Us Together

"This is the first day of the rest of your life."

Try as I might, search as I will, Goggle until my fingers hurt, I can't find the name of the band to give credit for this lyric. The song, itself, has a campfire vibe, all guitar and choppy and "Kumbaya-ish". It's actually a fun song, one you'd like to associate with a band so you can check out the rest of their work.

But, back to the quote: it's awfully familiar, isn't it?

Wasn't it in the 1970's* that this phrase became hip, cool, RIGHT ON? I think all those pill-popping, acid-dropping, sexually-promiscuous people were on to something.

Of course, finding the quote was easy. It's attributed to "anonymous"**. Which I just find hysterical. Because, when I heard it, I knew I was supposed to write about it.

I woke up sub-light-on-the-horizon, knowing I had a writing assignment today. So, I'm going to give quote credit it to the biggest outsider ever: The big J.***

The very thing I thought of when I couldn't let the phrase go is the verse about mercy being new every morning.

And here it is, Lamentations 3:21-23, "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."****

Every morning. Do you get that? Not "once in a blue moon" or "when you are good" or "on every third Tuesday if your hair doesn't rebel." EVERY MORNING.

Whoa. So, on the day you are set to die, you will have a fresh slate, clean and ready to provide the kindness and forgiveness you couldn't earn, that which you can only accept as a gift. That is simply amazing.

Knowing that, how can you possibly wake up and see the world as a dark place? If you daily turn your face to Him and ask for guidance and wisdom and forgiveness, IT'S YOURS!

No wonder this lyric stuck out to me.

Oh, and God-moment alert: when I went to find the scripture reference for this post, I tripped upon the song. Check out Matt Maher, singing Hold Us Together:

Now, go celebrate today as if it is your first!

*Freaky moment: I realized I can no longer assume people will know I'm referring to a year in the 1900's when I type "the 70's". That's creepy.

**SHOUT OUT TO THE 70's: "Which one of you hippies wants to take credit for this phrase?"

***I hope that doesn't sound irreverent. But, I think we have a close enough relationship that I can pull it off. Or get hit by lightning.....

****Then hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" also came to mind. I even sang it loud and proud and made the dogs bay in languages only they understand. It was a trio of red-blooded mammals singing in tongues. Glory be!


  1. Is this it?


    It don't have a job
    Don't pay your bills
    Won't buy you a home
    In Beverly Hills

    Won't fix your life
    And find easy steps
    Ain't the low or the limp
    Or the government

    But as soon you needed...

    Love, will, hold us together
    Make us a shelter
    to weather the storm

    And I'll, be, my brothers keeper
    So the whole world will know
    That we're not alone

    It's waiting for you
    Knockin' at your door!
    Every moment of truth
    When your heart hits the floor

    When you're on your knees then...

    Love, will, hold us together
    Make us a shelter
    to weather the storm

    And I'll, be, my brothers keeper
    So the whole world will know
    That we're not alone

    This is the first, day of the rest of your life
    This is the first, day of the rest of your life
    'Cause even in the dark you can still see the light
    It's gonna be alright, s'gonna be alright

    This is the first, day of the rest of your life
    This is the first, day of the rest of your life
    'Cause even in the dark you can still see the light
    It's gonna be alright, s'gonna be alright

    Love, will, hold us together
    Make us a shelter
    to weather the storm

    And I'll, be, my brothers keeper
    So the whole world will know
    That we're not alone


