When it comes to brother-in-laws, I hit the jackpot.
He is altogether brilliant, fun, spiritual, and a man after God's own heart. And he loves his family like they are the breath he breathes.
Pause and inhale that last sentence. There just aren't many men like that around today. But, I'm related to several of them. PRAISE BE!
B-I-L shared something he's been reading with us* over New Year's Weekend.
It seems, James Dobson has written a book on raising daughters. And where the book on raising boys flowed out quickly, this one has been a labor of love. Apparently without an epidural or a birthing coach.
Seems we women are, shall we say, difficult**? Tricky? Complex?
Here's what I learned: basically, once we reach puberty, you male-types have two good weeks a month with us.
And, have fun figuring out which two those are, because even we women, most months, have no clue what the hell is going on.
That's it. Good luck. GO!
How much does THAT suck?
Seriously, though, through Dr. Dobson's research he found that powerful hormones control women's bodies. And they ebb and flow in bizarre, but predictable ways, every single freakin' month of our lives.
Until we reach menopause, that is. Then, it's a total crap shoot, sorry to say.
But, I digress.
Basically, the amount of estrogen (or lack thereof) and the amount of testosterone (or presence of), cause us to ride a roller coaster of emotions.
Where one week we'll find our husband's goofy come-ons endearing, the next we will find them offensive.
One week we might like to be ogled, the next we'll find ourselves fighting off the urge to deck our man.
Get my point? Our hormones rule us and it just ain't pretty.
So, men, I'm speaking directly to you. Before you think you are going crazy raising that sweet, oh-so-feminine daughter? Or trying to figure out your wife? Check out Dr. Dobson's latest tome: Bringing Up Girls.
If you are lucky, you can win on the Ouija board of your gal's monthly cycle, and have just the right thing to say at just the right time***.
If you figure it out, will you PLEASE let Mike in on the secret???
*The Three Stooges: me, Mike, and my sister-in-law. I call Curly!
**Sally: "I'm difficult". Harry: "You're challenging." SIGH.
***If there is more than female in your house, you can thank God that cycles seem to sync themselves. God's provision for male sanity, if you ask me.
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