Thursday, July 22, 2010

A "Lady" is NOT in the building

~FYI: Even though today's topic is about a popular singer, it is NOT for children. Please be careful reading this around children who can read.~

I saw, on our local news at 5pm, that Lady Gaga is in town for a concert. Not knowing much about her, I decided to look up some of her lyrics. Even though I only listen to Christian music on KLTY, my kids have heard the refrain from "Poker Face" and sometimes sing just that riff, since they know nothing else of the song.

So, I searched for "Poker Face". Title seemed innocuous enough. And, frankly, it's a catchy little refrain.

I am alternately happy and sad I looked this up.

Happy because I now know that my radio dial should NEVER leave KLTY or a well-chosen CD. Sad because this is what I found:

lyrics that... encourage getting a boy "hot so you can show him what you've got", playing Russian roulette, equating "rough" with love (Ms. Gaga, is that being hit or rough sex, pray tell), refusing to say you love someone b/c you are only bluffin' via sex, and references to female anatomy that include "muffin" and "love-glue".

Now that I've gagged myself by dissecting this song, I have to tell you that I understand where Mrs. Gore was all those years ago.

This is just disgusting. It's sad for society and especially our young girls, who are already sexualized enough and seem to be expected to perform sexually outside of marriage to keep up with the Joneses**. It's sad for the boys, who are confused over how girls are supposed to act, even in the face of being taught that you should respect young ladies***. Overall, our kids are the ones who suffer because both sexes will have a harder time trying to keep themselves pure to marriage.

This is why I don't watch the news. Am I wrong not to want to know that this is what America thinks is "great" music? Am I wrong not to want to know that a Mom killed her autistic kids with Draino because they weren't perfect? Am I wrong to want to move to a deserted island with my kids and read nothing but the Bible and books by good Christian authors?

I love this country, but sometimes our freedom creates way too much freedom. If you have no values or morals, you are absolutely at the mercy of those like Lady Gaga.

Incidentally, honey, I think the same person who named Madonna must have named you. There is no comparison between her and the Mother of God, just as there is nothing "lady" like about you.

"Be careful little ears what you hear. When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near."--Casting Crowns (Slow Fade)

*If you must confirm the ridiculous nature of these lyrics, here's the link. Proceed at your own risk.....

**Thank you "Women's Lib". You should be ashamed of yourselves.

***How long can we expect our boys to behave in the face of short skirts, low tops, grinding dances, half-naked posters in the mall, and peer pressure?

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