Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So I am a Wizard of Oz freak. Love everything about the characters and the sets and the story and blah, blah, blah.

So, a couple of years ago, when I heard in passing that Wicked was coming to Dallas, I was really excited to buy tickets. Problem was, they sold out faster than a speeding bullet.

To add insult to injury, an acquaintance, who had seen Wicked before, managed to get tickets. And all up and shoved them in my face.*

So, this year, when I saw that Wicked was here again, I basically offered my left kidney** to Mike if he would get the tickets for my birthday.

Not only did he come through with tickets, but he managed to make it a double date with some of our favorite couple peeps. And, dinner before the show!!*** Oh my.****

And, can I just say, F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.?

I now understand why so many people who have seen this show follow it around the country. Like musical stalkers. Wicked groupies. Sign me up!

Whatever the price of admission, even if you get gosh-awful, nose-bleed row tickets, GO. Really, you'll enjoy it that much.

Just beware the flying monkeys. Even at 43, they STILL creeped me out.

*Unbeknownst to her, I was an Oz freak. She soon found out.

**Hey. You never KNOW when you're going to need to take somebody up on an offer like that.

***An ACTUAL date. With no people under five foot. Except for me, because I'm
shrinking now that I'm past forty.

****Ten points for you if you made the Oz connection.

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