Saturday, May 15, 2010

One Week

In one week, school will be out for my homeschooled guy.

I'm not sure who is happier, him or me.

Personally, these last two weeks have been tough for all the kids. I think the warmer weather and the longer days have just sucked every ounce of interest in school out of them.

Add to that the fact that some of the kids on our street are already out of school and you have a recipe for a complete and utter lack of energy in regards to anything that has to do with learning.

I have found myself, in these last two weeks, fighting the urge to say "Oh heck.* Let's just stop doing all this busy work and do something FUN. Like bake cake and make sugary-sweet frosting and deliver it to someone who isn't on a diet.**"

I've stared, longingly, at the hammock, wondering if I'll have five minutes of peace in it before Hell's stove dial, which resides directly below Texas, is cranked up and we find ourselves cursing the weather at 5a.m. When it's 85 degrees.

I'm sure I'll be regretting wishing away these last few days of school about 4.2 days into summer.

But, for now, it's hard to keep my eye off the prize of waking up sometime that begins with a seven. Of brunch on a Tuesday. Lazy days in the pool. Camping in the backyard on a Thursday night, watching fireflies and spitting watermelon seeds.

One week. I can do anything for one week.

Maybe, if I keep repeating this, I'll actually start believing it.

One week. Just one week.

*Not my first choice of words, but a free one.

**Or eat it in one sitting.


  1. Invite us over one of those days your lazing by the pool. I was the watermelon seed spitter king in college! ;-)

  2. Pools open whenever you drop by! Can't guarantee I'll have the watermelon, though :)
